Advanced Authentication and Authorization

Modules & Components

Authentication is provided via the Zend\Authentication component, authorization via the Zend\Permissions components, and MVC bindings are provided via the zf-mvc-auth module. This module's purpose is to deliver a generalized solution that adds events, services, and models into the Zend Framework 2 MVC lifecycle that can be utilized to simplify both authentication and authorization.


In order to achieve integration to the ZF2 MVC lifecycle for authentication, zf-mvc-auth wires in 4 listeners that then propagate their own events. Each of these listeners are registered within the event MvcEvent::EVENT_ROUTE at different priorities. This table describes the new event names:

zf-mvc-auth event MVC event in which triggered MVC event priority

(The first column are event constants from ZF\MvcAuth\MvcAuthEvent; the second are event constants from Zend\Mvc\MvcEvent.)

As you can tell from their priorities, authentication happens before routing. There are effectively two listeners that deal with authentication related workflows:

  • ZF\MvcAuth\Authentication\DefaultAuthenticationListener is registered to listen to the event ZF\MvcAuth\MvcAuthEvent::EVENT_AUTHENTICATION. This listener is generally responsible for (a) determining the kind of authentication that needs to take place, whether it is HTTP Basic, HTTP Digest, or OAuth2; and (b) authenticating the provided identity. It then assigns the discovered identity (either a ZF\MvcAuth\AuthenticatedIdentity on success, or GuestIdentity if no credentials were provided) to the MvcAuthEvent.

  • ZF\MvcAuth\Authentication\DefaultPostAuthenticationListener is registered to listen to the event ZF\MvcAuth\MvcAuthEvent::EVENT_AUTHENTICATION_POST. This listener is responsible for determining if some identity was presented by the client, and if it was successfully authenticated. If it was not, this listener will inject a 401 Unauthorized status code to the current HTTP response object and return it, ending the request.

zf-mvc-auth event MVC event in which triggered MVC event priority

(The first column are event constants from ZF\MvcAuth\MvcAuthEvent; the second are event constants from Zend\Mvc\MvcEvent.)

As you can tell from their EVENT_ROUTE priorities, authorization happens after routing. There are effectively three listeners that deal with authorization related workflows:

  • ZF\MvcAuth\Authorization\DefaultResourceResolverListener is registered with the event ZF\MvcAuth\MvcAuthEvent::EVENT_AUTHORIZATION and given a priority of 1000 (executes early). This listener is responsible for determining the matched controller service name from the matched route, which will later be used for checking against the access control lists.

  • ZF\MvcAuth\Authorization\DefaultAuthorizationListener is registered with the event ZF\MvcAuth\MvcAuthEvent::EVENT_AUTHORIZATION with the default priority. This listener is responsible for taking information from the ZF\MvcAuth\MvcAuthEvent and determining if the identity discovered during authentication is authorized to perform the current request against the discovered controller service.

  • ZF\MvcAuth\Authorization\DefaultAuthorizationPostListener is registered with the ZF\MvcAuth\MvcAuthEvent::EVENT_AUTHORIZATION_POST event, at default priority. This listener is responsible for checking if the current request is unauthorized, and if so, it will assign a 403 Unauthorized status to the HTTP response object, and return it.

Services & Models

The following table describes services and models that are accessible through the Service Manager:

Service Class/Interface returned by service
api-identity ZF\MvcAuth\Identity\IdentityInterface (either a GuestIdentity or an AuthenticatedIdentity)
authentication Zend\Authentication\AuthenticationService
authorization ZF\MvcAuth\Authorization\AuthorizationInterface (likely a ZF\MvcAuth\Authorization\AclAuthorization instance, a variant of Zend\Permissions\Acl\Acl)